William Maxime Fortin
Artiste de cirque
William is a circus artist, dancer, filmmaker, and event producer. Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, he moved to Quebec City in 2017 for his circus studies. He founded his company ATO prod in 2015 dedicated to the film production of circus and dance art clips. Studies William have studied circus at Verdun, Quebec & Montreal National school. He have studied dance during his high-school at Ballet Divertimento in Montreal. He graduated from Collège de Montréal, taking part of their 250th promotion. William has mainly learned how to produce by himself, starting off by producing some photoshoot with friends, then some video ads for the ballet school he was frequenting. He has studied one year in Communication, media, and creativity during his college. By his various artistic formation knowing well what's happening on stage and behind the camera; William is now well known as one of the best circus filmmakers in Quebec City |
Flair bartending tight wire act
Description du numéro
aaaaa aaaa aaa aaaa |
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Discipline principal
Autre discipline William Maxime est un jeune homme possédant une impressionnante vivacité d'esprit, une grande confiance en lui, de l'aplomb et un sens des responsabilités accru. Il est toujours de bonne humeur et est très orienté vers les solutions. Il connaît bien les nouvelles technologies et ne cesse de s'y intéresser. Il me fait plaisir de recommander William Maxime si vous recherchez quelqu'un de fiable qui aime le travail bien fait. Geneviève Caron, Cirque du Soleil 1998-2018,
a travaillé avec William Maxime Fortin au Turbo Fest 2019. Dernier film de William Maxime Fortin prennant part à la selection officiel de deux festivals