un film de
William Maxime Fortin
Danger, Issu de deux plans séquences de 10 minutes, produit lors d'une classe de maître de screendance (caméra-danse) de Katrina McPherson. Ce style se démarque par la relation de mouvement entre la caméra et le/la danseur(euse) créant une symbiose.
Immersif et tendre DANGER |
DANGER is an immersive, timely reflection on current events, a film which criticizes perpetual, omnipresent growth and illustrates the liberation of womens’ bodies from the capitalist oppression of steel.
In a world of climate emergency, DANGER redefines our relationship to space. Are we really more in danger in so-called dangerous and forbidden spaces than in our everyday lives? The true danger lies in letting large corporations re-appropriate common urban spaces for development and profit rather than the greater good. This film is the result of two 10-minute shots in screendance style, in which the dancer and the camera remain in dialogue through symbiotic movement. |
Prochaine diffusion - Next diffusion
Diffusion à venir - Comming up diffusion
Financement - Funding
Director Biography - William Maxime Fortin
William is a circus artist, dancer, filmmaker, and event producer. Born and raised in Montreal, Canada, he moved to Quebec City in 2017 for his circus studies. In 2016 he founded his company ATO prod, dedicated to the production of circus and dance art video clips. William has studied circus at the National School of Circus in Montreal and the Quebec City Circus School; he also trained in dance at Montreal’s Ballet Divertimento. He graduated from high school at the Collège de Montréal, taking part in their 250th anniversary celebrations. William is a self-taught producer who began his journey doing photoshoots with friends. His first video productions were ads for his ballet school. In college, he studied communications, media, and creativity. With years of experience in both stage performance and video recording, William is now well known as one of the best circus filmmakers in Quebec City. |
Diffusion antérieur - Past screening
Director Statement
I'm proud of having contributed to the success of artists & art productions! My team and I are present for artists that dream big! Every day we work with artists who we believe should have visibility as great as their ambitions. We offer collaborations in various video projects in order to enhance visibility and success.
I'm proud of having contributed to the success of artists & art productions! My team and I are present for artists that dream big! Every day we work with artists who we believe should have visibility as great as their ambitions. We offer collaborations in various video projects in order to enhance visibility and success.